Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Insatiable wives book

A new book about hotwives; Women who stray and the men who love them, David J Ley. I haven't read this yet but it is on my reading list. Have others read this? what are their thoughts?

Review, (Oct.) --Publisher's Weekly October 5, 2009:

Insatiable Wives: Women Who Stray and the Men Who Love Them Clinical psychologist Ley forges into new territory to examine the long-lived, but little-known "hotwife phenomenon." In extensive interviews with couples, Ley discovers educated, successful individuals with strong, healthy marriages in which wives are allowed, and expected, to sleep with other men. These couples demonstrate high degrees of communication and mutual respect while also asserting that the lifestyle, initiated by the wives, has strengthened their marriages. Interviews lead Ley to track the origins of monogamy and the reasons why "female sexuality was constrained in our society and history," including analysis of the term "cuckoldry," the evolution of laws designed to protect the family, and the Madonna/whore dichotomy, alongside the medical and societal costs of keeping women under sexual lock-and-key. Well-written and thoroughly researched, Ley's survey of an evolving marriage lifestyle highlights qualities vital to any relationship, especially honest and consistent communication.

History of the term Cuckold

           Cuckold is derived from the Old French for the cuckoocucu, with the pejorative suffix -old. The earliest written use of the Middle English derivation, cokewold, occurs in 1250, written by Jesse Conklin[1]. The females of certain varieties of cuckoo lay their eggs in other bird’s nests, freeing themselves from the need to nurture the eggs to hatching. The female equivalentcuckquean first appears in English literature in 1562, adding a female suffix to the "cuck"; Wittol, which substitutes "wete" (meaning witting or knowing) for the first part of the word, first appears in 1520.
Cuckolds have sometimes been written as "wearing the horns of a cuckold" or just "wearing the horns". This refers to the fact that the man being cuckolded is the last to know of his wife's infidelity. He is wearing horns that can be seen by everybody but him. This also refers to a tradition claiming that in villages of unknown European location, the community would gather to collectively humiliate a man whose wife gives birth to a child recognizably not his own. According to this legend, a parade was held in which the hapless husband is forced to wear antlers on his head as a symbol of his wife's infidelity. Whether or not this actually happened is unknown but the phrase has survived (also see the Italian insult cornuto). 
  In many countries "horns" are a metaphor for suffering the infidelity of a partner, not limited to husbands in modern usage. The gesture of the horned hand can be used to insult the cuckold.            

Another fantastic Serge Birault picture:

Theories in evolutionary psychology


What are your thoughts?

Wikipedia has a pretty good overview of the Hotwife and Cuckold lifestyle and also some interesting theories about some of the biological reasons that could drive these fantasies:

Theories in evolutionary psychology

In his book Sperm Wars, Robin Baker speculated that the excitement and stimulation of the cuckolding fetish emerges from the biology of sexuality and the effects of sexual arousal on the brain. According to his theory, when a male believes that his female mate may have been sexual with another male, the male mate is prompted by biological urges to copulate with the female, in an effort to "compete" with the other males' sperm. The effects of sperm competition are well documented.[6] Further, when initiating sex, the male mate thrusts harder, deeper and longer, in efforts to remove the sperm of the other male, and is biologically driven to have sex multiple times. While he may be unable to have sex more than once under usual circumstances, the cuckolded male is prone to repeated sexual efforts. Meanwhile, the wife enjoys greater sexual stimulation, first by her other male lover and second by her cuckolded husband. In addition, the wife enjoys the neurochemical "highs" triggered by entering into a romantic or physical relationship with another lover. These highs include the effects ofoxytocin and other neurochemicals which trigger excitement, euphoria and other feelings common to the beginnings of romantic relationships. These neurochemicals change over time, and as a relationship persists, with neurochemicals changing to ones that promote bonding, planning and nurturing. When a wife takes a new lover, she triggers the neurochemicals of a new relationship, bringing home excitement to her husband.[7]

The above exposition is contraindicated by the hypothesized foundations for jealousy in evolutionary psychology, which is rooted in the idea that men specifically will react jealously to sexual infidelity on the parts of their mates [8]. Far more often than being sexually aroused, extreme and enduring anger to the point of committing a crime of passion is documented by partners finding their spouse's infidelity. These crimes even lead to the social and legal permissibility inherent in the concept of a crime of passion, whereby culpability and legal punishment is reduced, sometimes even anulled entirely, due to the extenuating circumstances of what is construed as a natural response to an outraging stimulus. The popularity of the cuckold fetish actually calls into question the universality of this evolutionary interpretation and theory, suggesting that differential responses to jealousy are possible, and perhaps even adaptive. One theory suggests that some men may accept a Hobbsian bargain, accepting that their wives will be unfaithful, in order for a lesser male to secure a female mate of higher evolutionary value than he could have, if he required and enforced sexual fidelity.[9]

Hotwife scene from the movie Crash

One of my all time favourite Hotwife scenes from a mainstream(ish) movie. I particularly like the way her foot goes into the front seat of her car in front of her husband and of course her wet fingers visible at the end.

Does anyone else know of any other good Hotwife scenes from Hollywood films?

Serge Birault

I stumbled across this fantastic illustration by Serge Birault, that really appealed to my hotwife fantasies. Also helped by the fact that she is wearing a very similar outfit to one an ex of mine wore as she she fucked a friend of mine. Click on the image to enlarge it, she is worth it.